Monthly Archives: July 2014

Small Business Inspiration

I have to admit, starting a small business is trying. Starting a small business with your married partner is trying. Starting a small business with your partner that is a perfectionist, artist and dreamer – is more than trying. Hey, when we invited you into our lives we didn’t promise it would be pretty. [If I did – I am a liar- sorry]. As the wife of the dreamer, I can get a little… irritated at times. I am the annoying business partner that sets the goals and finds ways to meet those said goals… However, if you’ve ever worked with a perfectionist before you know they do not work well under this type of pressure. So, the task than is to learn how to work in the mind of a perfectionist that doesn’t work well under pressure. Hum…. Yea, loss for where to go next.
I do have to say that writing this down and talking it through to you makes me – the entrepreneur’s wife (PS I had to spell check “entrepreneur” three times before looking that damn word up) a happier business partner.
As I stated, my artist/business partner/husband is a talented-dreamer of an individual. Most people would die for his craft/artistic ability… he doesn’t think twice about it and just creates beauty. This quote reminds me of our mission and why we work so hard in life. Passion stops at the moment someone is too afraid to reach for their dreams. We are NOT afraid. We will NOT give up. We will succeed. This is our mantra. Please follow our journey – I promise it will be worth the ride.

Passion & Inspiration

The Free Love Co. was born in Marvell’s heart years ago. However, I’ve witnessed his passion shine through the day Zaccai was born. There is something special about the birth of a child.

The day Zaccai was born emerged two people who believed they could work together to create meaning and life for another itty-bitty person. We’ve come so far since that early morning when he let out his first cry.


Those feet! We loved those feet to pieces on those first few days.


Marvell experienced Zaccai’s first look into the world; this moved him and that motivates our business.

We hope to share our expression of love through images of passion, art, animals and words. Our shirt designs truly focus on the mind, body and spirit. We hope your baby(ies) will love their shirts and you will know the deep rooted passion behind each design.

Stay with us, learn more. Be kind to one and other and yourself.

Love – The Free Love Co.

Our Beginning

Welcome to the beginning of our journey. The Free Love Co. has been a work in progress for many years.

Marvell has a vision – create a brand that encompasses freedom, love, equality, harmony and passion.  Marvell is an amazing artist. Together, we hope to create a brand that motivates people to move towards positive change.  Be the change you want to see in the world. We are making that happen.

Currently, we are in the development stages of our business. Soon you will be able to purchase our unique T-shirts in our Free Love Etsy Site. Until then, hang around – read about the mission, what drives The Free Love Co. and meet our owners and the people that make our lives more beautiful.

be the change